Katrin Dal-Christiansen
- Fødd: 22.03.1980
- Útbúgving: Lærari
- Børn: Aimelia og Róar
2018-2022 Lærari Skúlin á Argjahamri
2018- Dómari í estetiskum fimleiki
2017 Útbúgvin Fólkaskúlalærari
2013- Eigari Dansiskúlin
2012-2016 Ballett lærari hjá kappingarliðunum hjá Støkk
2001-2002, 2009-2010 Lærari: Eysturskúlin
2006-2009 Eigari: Poise Academy of Gymnastics and Dance – New Zealand
2006-2009 Eigari: Jumping Jacks Gym Fun – New Zealand
2006-2009 Head of Rhythmic Gymnastics – Wellington Gymnastics Association – New Zealand
2006-2009 Head Supervisor - Leisure Active School Holiday Camps – New Zealand
2003-2006 Head Coach - Capital Gymsports – New Zealand
2000 Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup
1996-1997 Oure Sport and Performing Arts
1997- Fimleikavenjari
Hi there,
please let me introduce myself shortly: My Name is Mike Loewenrosen and I´m the Founder of the Conservatory Sunrise Studios in Vienna.
In addition to my lecturing, I hold Workshops
I am Christina. Are you hiring for a ballet or movement teacher for the small children?
Thank you,